Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hello World!

Born Tuesday, January 16 @ 2:03 and 2:05 PM, via emergency
c-section, we became the proud and grateful parents of
two beautiful yet premie babies!

Bodhi James was first to enter the world with a quiet
and humble little cry. He weighed 4lbs./12.8 oz, he is
17.5" tall and his cranium is 12.5" oblong. His first
name is best defined as "Spiritual Awakening" in the
Buddhist tradition. He has earned this name with his
peaceful demeanor and ethereal good looks. His middle
name is in honor of his paternal Grandfather, James

Sloane Bateman entered in her own style by biting the
Dr.'s finger as he attempted to help her clear her
mouth for her first breath! Entering the world feet
first kicking, she is fiesty and perturbed that her
pipsqueak brother popped the timer a few weeks short
by "abrubting" his placenta from the uterus
prematurely. She weighed 5 lbs. 3.2 oz. and is a
towering 18.25" tall with a 13" round head of thick
dark hair. She has already earned the meaning to her
name-"Warrior" with her stern and strong demeanor. Her
middle name is in honor of her maternal Grandfather,
Walter Bateman Allen Jr.

We would like to thank you all for your thoughts and
prayers that have helped us get to this point. We will
continue to ask for your support as Kim will be on the
mend for a while and the Kids will be in NICU for a
few weeks.

What a ride!!!!!!


Kim, Sloane, Tim, Bodhi and Talulah

1 comment:

Scott said...

congradulations guys. they both look beautiful